Millions of thoughts, emanating every moment from the minds of the
entire Universe, are being registered and processed by the Universal Computer
and shelved into like cycles and wave lengths. The cycles and wave lengths of various hues
and categories, and subtle vibrations thereof, accumulate and shape the subtle
environment of the Universal Mind just as in the case of our individual mind
and sub-consciousness.
Mind power is one of the strongest and
most useful powers you possess. This power consists of your thoughts. The
thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for everything that
happens in your life. Your predominant
thoughts influence your behaviour and attitude and control your actions and
reactions. As your thoughts are, so is
your life.
In this subtle process, our thoughts have
profound influence in:
- Directly
shaping our character, fate and destiny;
- Indirectly moulding and modifying the subtle environment of the
universe, and
- Re-coiling on the whole humanity, collectively.
In fact, every thought is a dynamic seed
which sprouts, gains strength by repetition, spreads in the mental world and
engulfs the entire universe to make or mar our lives, according to the nature
of our thoughts.
This thought explains the tense and vicious environment of selfishness,
pride, unrest, strife, jealousy, cruelty and wars prevailing all over the
world, in spite of numerous professed religions and cults.
God created a Heaven for his children to live in and enjoy, but we, the
prodigal sons of the Earth, have turned it into a hell like vicious rendezvous under the influence of our lower, depraved
thoughts, and have thereby degenerated moral values.
The cultivated dynamic thoughts are so
powerful that they are capable of modifying the cumulative result of our past
and present lives. They are so insidious and permeating that they definitely
have a profound effect on our future as well.
The sound of a particular frequency and wave-length is caught and
relayed by any radio set which is tuned to that frequency and wave length. Similarly, thought-vibrations of different
intensity, frequency and wave-length can be caught, perceived and conveyed by
any mind or minds which are tuned to that frequency and wave-length, may be
anywhere in the vast limitless cosmos.
This means that the cumulative results of our good and bad thoughts are
registered in the universal computer, caught and conceived by any mind-radio,
whenever and wherever it is, provided it is tuned to the right frequency and
wave length of the originating thought. In other words, the waves or vibrations of a particular
thought simultaneously pass through every mind radio which is tuned to that
This explains why drunkards and villains, or
noble and pious people, get attracted towards each other to prove the idiom:
"Birds of the same feather flock together". Our audio-visual process
of electronic science works on the same principle.
This principle of attraction and communication at the same wave-length is
working invisibly and imperceptibly throughout the universe, even beyond the
limits of death and subtly affects our mind process and shapes our environment
and relationship in next lives. The kind of environment and relationship, good or bad,
that we wish for in our next life, can be decided and shaped in the present
life itself, through our thought-process, by merely transforming our ideas and
thoughts to a higher and nobler wave length, with contemplation and meditation
on sublime and inspiring thoughts, with intensity of feelings and faith in the
Divine compassion of love.
This Eternal Universal Law: "As you think, so you become", is
illustrated by the following story published some years ago.
"There was an old lady who had suffered
numerous misfortunes and miseries in her life and was overwhelmed with
frustration, indignation, anger, hatred and sadness. Her life became devoid of happiness, hope, brightness, and goodness.
She became irritable, quarrelsome and furious. Gradually, her vicious
temperament adversely affected her health and reflected on the features of her
face which looked ugly, haggard, abhorrent and repulsive. In due course, all
her relatives and friends deserted her and she was left alone to lead a dry,
dreary and miserable life. The people around her avoided her repulsive company
and children would run away to hide from the sight of her ugly dreadful
A noble soul took compassion on the wretched condition of this old
miserable lady and approached her with kindness and sympathy. She asked her to
recollect the brightest and happiest occasion of her life. The old lady at once brought her wedding
photo and started narrating the happy and blissful events of her marriage. As
she did so, lustre came back in her sad eyes and the features of her old
wrinkled face became blooming and attractive. The good lady took her to the mirror and told her to carefully observe
and mark the difference between her own features before and after the
interview. The old lady was astonished at her own bright eyes and glowing
face in spite of her wrinkled skin. Actually, she was frightened to compare her
new features with her usual miserable repulsive countenance.
The crucial point in this story is the sudden change in her countenance
wrought by the sweet and blissful memory of a bright and happy occasion of her
life. It was the direct and immediate result of the change in her thoughts. She was advised to replace her usual depraved
thoughts with higher and nobler thoughts and contemplate frequently on the brighter
side of life, with thankfulness for the blessings of the lord, as often as
She was advised to replace her usual depraved thoughts with higher and
nobler thoughts and contemplate frequently on the brighter side of life, with
thankfulness for the blessings of the lord, as often as possible.
By and by, her features changed for the
better and lustre of her eyes returned, and her behaviour became reasonable and
endearing. Her repulsive countenance became attractive and lovely. Her
neighbours and friends again flocked to her to sympathise and cheer her up, the
fearful children came running to her and enjoyed her newly sprouted affection
and kindness.
Ultimately, she died as a 'Loving Noble old lady' instead of that
'repulsive, witch-like old lady', thus ensuring herself, endearing, kind and
loving life in there here-after.
The magic that wrought such an unbelievable
and wonderful miracle to the hopeless, despondent and wretched life of the old
lady, is Eternal Universal Law:
As you think, so you become.
The power of thinking is attributed to the
degree of one's faith. Every aspect of our life revolves around the axle of
thoughts in respect of our belief and faith being:
Good or bad,
Noble or depraved,
And hinges on –
Kindness or cruelty,
Compassion or selfishness,
Love or hatred,
Happiness or sadness,
Health or sickness,
Prosperity or poverty,
Virtue or vice,
Friendship or enmity,
Godliness or devilishness,
Heaven or hell, etc.
How to Use the
Power of Your Thoughts?
Visualize a perfect scene of whatever you want to
Put a lot of detail, colour, sound, scent and life into these mental
· Repeat your
visualization often, with faith and attention, and your
subconscious will accept these mental scenes as real experiences. The subconscious
mind does not distinguish between real and imaginary experiences, and accepts
both as real. It will start making changes and attracting opportunities, to
make your reality match the images in your subconscious mind.
situations, and objects that you visualize frequently, eventually, manifest on
the material plane in a natural way. This
manifestation does not happen overnight. It needs time, and depends on how
ambitious and sincere you are, and how much time and attention you put into
this action.
You can use this process to change negative habits and build new,
positive habits or skills. You can also use it for attracting money and possessions, for promotion
at work, for building a business, improving health and relationships, changing
circumstances, and for practically almost everything.
Pay attention to the thoughts you think. Do your best to reject negative
thoughts, and to allow into your mind only thoughts that bring good, happy, and
positive results.
Your thoughts &
imagination determine whether you fail or achieve success.
INDleak: Don’t give free space to your negative thoughts which overcome
your positive thoughts otherwise your life becomes sick and confusing. Positive
thoughts make you Hero but Negative thoughts make you Zero.
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